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From Script to Stage: A Choose-Your-Fate Adventure

Why does a play "work"?

Who is really responsible for a good play (or a bad one)?

What if you were in charge?

Artistic Director Jesse Bernstein brings you behind the scenes and onto the boards with an interactive experience. In this fun and high-stakes 90-minute class, you’ll navigate your way through the twists and turns of putting on a play – from writing the script to handling reviews. 


You’ll never look at a play the same way.

(And that’s a good thing!)


April 19th @ 7pm VIRTUALLY on Zoom



April 20th @ 7pm IN PERSON at a private residence in Wynnewood
(exact location to be sent to registrants)


Member Rates

Friend-Level Members: $27

Supporter Members: $18

Sustainer and above: Free

Non-Member Rate: $36


Theatre Ariel members will receive a separate email with their discount codes! 

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